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Pink Wisteria

Price: $6.95
SKU: CFD13949
This product is not currently available for purchase.  
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For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

Beautiful pink blooms cascade from vining stems, leaving behind a sweet scent reminiscent of lavender and honey. Hummingbirds and butterflies flock to the blossoms for a sip of sweet nectar! As each year passes, the plant will increase in size, beauty, and number of blooms. Create an elegant, romantic garden with gorgeous pink wisteria! Includes one actively growing plant in a 4" pot.

While wisteria will generally climb wherever you allow it, this specimen has been trained by professionals to grow as a compact tree and maintain its form with only light pruning. This fragrant beauty is so easy to grow it practically takes care of itself, standing out as a focal point no matter where it is planted. Infuse your garden with a fragrance reminiscent of lavender and honey. Butterflies and hummingbirds pay the blossoms a visit to sip the sweet springtime nectar! Elegant twining stems embellish any sunny spot! Plant over a patio, pergola, or fence and enjoy the fragrant flowers throughout the spring and early summer. Drought tolerant and adaptable to nearly any soil type. Wisteria can be pruned as desired to keep its vigorous growth in check, and will perform best in full sun.

Pink Wisteria

Pink Wisteria

Price: $6.95
SKU: CFD13949
This product is not currently available for purchase.  
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For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree
Price: $6.95
SKU: CFD13949
This product is not currently available for purchase.  
+ Click for Additional Items
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

Beautiful pink blooms cascade from vining stems, leaving behind a sweet scent reminiscent of lavender and honey. Hummingbirds and butterflies flock to the blossoms for a sip of sweet nectar! As each year passes, the plant will increase in size, beauty, and number of blooms. Create an elegant, romantic garden with gorgeous pink wisteria! Includes one actively growing plant in a 4" pot.

While wisteria will generally climb wherever you allow it, this specimen has been trained by professionals to grow as a compact tree and maintain its form with only light pruning. This fragrant beauty is so easy to grow it practically takes care of itself, standing out as a focal point no matter where it is planted. Infuse your garden with a fragrance reminiscent of lavender and honey. Butterflies and hummingbirds pay the blossoms a visit to sip the sweet springtime nectar! Elegant twining stems embellish any sunny spot! Plant over a patio, pergola, or fence and enjoy the fragrant flowers throughout the spring and early summer. Drought tolerant and adaptable to nearly any soil type. Wisteria can be pruned as desired to keep its vigorous growth in check, and will perform best in full sun.

Pink Wisteria

Price: $6.95
SKU: CFD13949
This product is not currently available for purchase.  
+ Click for Additional Items
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

Beautiful pink blooms cascade from vining stems, leaving behind a sweet scent reminiscent of lavender and honey. Hummingbirds and butterflies flock to the blossoms for a sip of sweet nectar! As each year passes, the plant will increase in size, beauty, and number of blooms. Create an elegant, romantic garden with gorgeous pink wisteria! Includes one actively growing plant in a 4" pot.

While wisteria will generally climb wherever you allow it, this specimen has been trained by professionals to grow as a compact tree and maintain its form with only light pruning. This fragrant beauty is so easy to grow it practically takes care of itself, standing out as a focal point no matter where it is planted. Infuse your garden with a fragrance reminiscent of lavender and honey. Butterflies and hummingbirds pay the blossoms a visit to sip the sweet springtime nectar! Elegant twining stems embellish any sunny spot! Plant over a patio, pergola, or fence and enjoy the fragrant flowers throughout the spring and early summer. Drought tolerant and adaptable to nearly any soil type. Wisteria can be pruned as desired to keep its vigorous growth in check, and will perform best in full sun.
Botanical Name - Wisteria sinesis
Hardiness Zones - 5-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Late spring-early summer
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 10 to 15 feet
Mature Width - 10 to 15 feet
Botanical Name - Wisteria sinesis
Hardiness Zones - 5-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Late spring-early summer
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 10 to 15 feet
Mature Width - 10 to 15 feet
Botanical Name - Wisteria sinesis
Hardiness Zones - 5-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Late spring-early summer
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 10 to 15 feet
Mature Width - 10 to 15 feet
Botanical Name - Wisteria sinesis
Hardiness Zones - 5-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Late spring-early summer
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 10 to 15 feet
Mature Width - 10 to 15 feet