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Have You Cleaned Your Air Today?
NASA once reported that astronauts were having a problem with poor air quality on space missions. Through numerous experiments in a two-year study, scientists not only concluded that houseplants were by far the best way to cleanse the air, but they were astonished at how efficient they were in performing the task. So, how does it work? Through photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. During this process, they also absorb toxins, mold, and bacteria that are eventually deposited in the soil or stored in the plant's cells. The end-resultis not only cleaner air, but also higher levels of oxygen, which improves brain function. Today, houseplants ride on every space mission. If plants are the best way to cleanse the air for NASA, imagine the benefits for your office, home or dorm room!
Is this not an amazing product of nature! I'm not talking about some altered, mutated, genetic phenomenon--this is all natural! Sometimes the most advanced discoveries are just realizing that the answer is already right in front of you. Think about this: In today's world, with all of its technological advances, scientific studies and specialization, the best way for NASA to cleanse the air in a space ship is to incorporate plants. Does that not say it all?
Live plants in your home
On average, American's spend over 90% of their time indoors.
Surprisingly, studies show that indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air and it is nearly impossible to avoid exposure to harmful toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide. These toxins are given off by a countless number of common household products including: carpets, plastics, furniture, cigarettes, paints, cleaning products, inks, dyes, foam, and rubber, just to name a few.
What can you do to make your home a safer and healthier environment? The good news it that simply adding live plants to your interior decor vastly reduces the amount of toxins in your home and provides a calm, relaxing setting for you, your family, and your guests.
More than just a decoration...
  • By naturally reducing our ecological footprint, indoor plants are a key element to achieving the "green" ideals of good health and sustainability.
  • Indoor plants act like air purifiers. Plants recycle carbon dioxide by converting it back into oxygen.
  • Increased oxygen improves focus, creativity, relaxation, and health while it decreases stress and illness.
  • Plants "breathe " and eliminate dangerous toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air, along with reducing the level of many other air-borne volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
  • Toxins can be eliminated by as much as 1800 micrograms per hour.
  • Interiorscaping provides appealing aesthetics and noise reduction while also lowering humidity and moderating temperatures.
  • Plants are the fastest, most cost-effective agents for changing perceptions of an area and improving psychosocialhealth.
  • Indoor plants increase positive feelings and reduce stress, fear, and anger.
  • Problem solving skills, idea generation, and creative performance improve substantially when we are around houseplants.
  • Houseplants reduce glare and strain on eyes so they tire less.
  • Interscapes can be used in any room of your home to add a finishing touch.
  • Larger plants can even be used as room dividers for larger areas.
  • Houseplants are easy to care for, only requiring moderate light and watering.
  • Interiorscape plants are affordable--with prices to fit into any budget.
For homes, one plant in smaller rooms and two in common areas is enough to vastly improve air quality!
Have You Cleaned Your Air Today?
NASA once reported that astronauts were having a problem with poor air quality on space missions. Through numerous experiments in a two-year study, scientists not only concluded that houseplants were by far the best way to cleanse the air, but they were astonished at how efficient they were in performing the task. So, how does it work? Through photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. During this process, they also absorb toxins, mold, and bacteria that are eventually deposited in the soil or stored in the plant's cells. The end-resultis not only cleaner air, but also higher levels of oxygen, which improves brain function. Today, houseplants ride on every space mission. If plants are the best way to cleanse the air for NASA, imagine the benefits for your office, home or dorm room!
Is this not an amazing product of nature! I'm not talking about some altered, mutated, genetic phenomenon--this is all natural! Sometimes the most advanced discoveries are just realizing that the answer is already right in front of you. Think about this: In today's world, with all of its technological advances, scientific studies and specialization, the best way for NASA to cleanse the air in a space ship is to incorporate plants. Does that not say it all?
Live plants in your home
On average, American's spend over 90% of their time indoors.
Surprisingly, studies show that indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air and it is nearly impossible to avoid exposure to harmful toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide. These toxins are given off by a countless number of common household products including: carpets, plastics, furniture, cigarettes, paints, cleaning products, inks, dyes, foam, and rubber, just to name a few.
What can you do to make your home a safer and healthier environment? The good news it that simply adding live plants to your interior decor vastly reduces the amount of toxins in your home and provides a calm, relaxing setting for you, your family, and your guests.
More than just a decoration...
  • By naturally reducing our ecological footprint, indoor plants are a key element to achieving the "green" ideals of good health and sustainability.
  • Indoor plants act like air purifiers. Plants recycle carbon dioxide by converting it back into oxygen.
  • Increased oxygen improves focus, creativity, relaxation, and health while it decreases stress and illness.
  • Plants "breathe " and eliminate dangerous toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air, along with reducing the level of many other air-borne volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
  • Toxins can be eliminated by as much as 1800 micrograms per hour.
  • Interiorscaping provides appealing aesthetics and noise reduction while also lowering humidity and moderating temperatures.
  • Plants are the fastest, most cost-effective agents for changing perceptions of an area and improving psychosocialhealth.
  • Indoor plants increase positive feelings and reduce stress, fear, and anger.
  • Problem solving skills, idea generation, and creative performance improve substantially when we are around houseplants.
  • Houseplants reduce glare and strain on eyes so they tire less.
  • Interscapes can be used in any room of your home to add a finishing touch.
  • Larger plants can even be used as room dividers for larger areas.
  • Houseplants are easy to care for, only requiring moderate light and watering.
  • Interiorscape plants are affordable--with prices to fit into any budget.
For homes, one plant in smaller rooms and two in common areas is enough to vastly improve air quality!
Have You Cleaned Your Air Today?
NASA once reported that astronauts were having a problem with poor air quality on space missions. Through numerous experiments in a two-year study, scientists not only concluded that houseplants were by far the best way to cleanse the air, but they were astonished at how efficient they were in performing the task. So, how does it work? Through photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. During this process, they also absorb toxins, mold, and bacteria that are eventually deposited in the soil or stored in the plant's cells. The end-resultis not only cleaner air, but also higher levels of oxygen, which improves brain function. Today, houseplants ride on every space mission. If plants are the best way to cleanse the air for NASA, imagine the benefits for your office, home or dorm room!
Is this not an amazing product of nature! I'm not talking about some altered, mutated, genetic phenomenon--this is all natural! Sometimes the most advanced discoveries are just realizing that the answer is already right in front of you. Think about this: In today's world, with all of its technological advances, scientific studies and specialization, the best way for NASA to cleanse the air in a space ship is to incorporate plants. Does that not say it all?
Live plants in your home
On average, American's spend over 90% of their time indoors.
Surprisingly, studies show that indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air and it is nearly impossible to avoid exposure to harmful toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide. These toxins are given off by a countless number of common household products including: carpets, plastics, furniture, cigarettes, paints, cleaning products, inks, dyes, foam, and rubber, just to name a few.
What can you do to make your home a safer and healthier environment? The good news it that simply adding live plants to your interior decor vastly reduces the amount of toxins in your home and provides a calm, relaxing setting for you, your family, and your guests.
More than just a decoration...
  • By naturally reducing our ecological footprint, indoor plants are a key element to achieving the "green" ideals of good health and sustainability.
  • Indoor plants act like air purifiers. Plants recycle carbon dioxide by converting it back into oxygen.
  • Increased oxygen improves focus, creativity, relaxation, and health while it decreases stress and illness.
  • Plants "breathe " and eliminate dangerous toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air, along with reducing the level of many other air-borne volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
  • Toxins can be eliminated by as much as 1800 micrograms per hour.
  • Interiorscaping provides appealing aesthetics and noise reduction while also lowering humidity and moderating temperatures.
  • Plants are the fastest, most cost-effective agents for changing perceptions of an area and improving psychosocialhealth.
  • Indoor plants increase positive feelings and reduce stress, fear, and anger.
  • Problem solving skills, idea generation, and creative performance improve substantially when we are around houseplants.
  • Houseplants reduce glare and strain on eyes so they tire less.
  • Interscapes can be used in any room of your home to add a finishing touch.
  • Larger plants can even be used as room dividers for larger areas.
  • Houseplants are easy to care for, only requiring moderate light and watering.
  • Interiorscape plants are affordable--with prices to fit into any budget.
For homes, one plant in smaller rooms and two in common areas is enough to vastly improve air quality!
Houseplants - Enjoy The Health Benefits
Houseplants - Enjoy The Health Benefits

Houseplants - Enjoy The Health Benefits

Houseplants - Enjoy The Health Benefits
