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With soilless roots, leafless canes and a petite stature, bareroot roses have an appearance that can be intimidating to some gardeners. Despite their humble beginnings, bareroot roses are proven performers ready to add color and fragrance to your garden. Today, we'll discuss the benefits of planting bareroot roses and some basics to get your new rose garden off to a great start!
Bareroot roses are shipped in a dormant state with no soil around their roots. Since they have no foliage or flowers to support, they can readily establish themselves once planted in the garden. Your newly planted bareroot rose will devote its valuable energy to developing an extensive root system rather than sustaining top growth, increasing your chances of success and ensuring a future filled with summertime bouquets.
Planting bareroot roses is a relatively simple task that will yield remarkable results. Before planting, give your rose a good soak in a bucket of water to rehydrate the roots. In the meantime, select a sunny planting site with fertile, well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter, and prepare the planting hole. The planting hole should be 12 to 18 inches deep and wide to accommodate the plant's root system and allow for continuous root growth. Build a mound of soil in the bottom of the hole, then position the roots on the mound so that the bud union (a bulge on the stem where the rose has been grafted to the rootstock) is above ground level. Fill in the hole with soil and water thoroughly, fully saturating the soil surrounding the plant. Add a layer of mulch around the plant to help retain soil moisture and deter weeds, and you're good to go! With proper care and a little patience, your newly planted rose is certain to become a showstopper in your garden!
After planting, your rose will need regular watering to establish its roots and become accustomed to its new home. As a general rule, roses require the equivalent of 1" of rainfall each week, with more frequent watering necessary during hot summer weather. Keep the soil moist, but not overly wet—roses love water, but cannot survive in boggy conditions. Once new growth appears, begin fertilizing your new addition once every 2 to 3 weeks with a fertilizer formulated for roses. Your plant will soon reward you with an abundance of beautiful blossoms and years of enjoyment!
With soilless roots, leafless canes and a petite stature, bareroot roses have an appearance that can be intimidating to some gardeners. Despite their humble beginnings, bareroot roses are proven performers ready to add color and fragrance to your garden. Today, we'll discuss the benefits of planting bareroot roses and some basics to get your new rose garden off to a great start!
Bareroot roses are shipped in a dormant state with no soil around their roots. Since they have no foliage or flowers to support, they can readily establish themselves once planted in the garden. Your newly planted bareroot rose will devote its valuable energy to developing an extensive root system rather than sustaining top growth, increasing your chances of success and ensuring a future filled with summertime bouquets.
Planting bareroot roses is a relatively simple task that will yield remarkable results. Before planting, give your rose a good soak in a bucket of water to rehydrate the roots. In the meantime, select a sunny planting site with fertile, well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter, and prepare the planting hole. The planting hole should be 12 to 18 inches deep and wide to accommodate the plant's root system and allow for continuous root growth. Build a mound of soil in the bottom of the hole, then position the roots on the mound so that the bud union (a bulge on the stem where the rose has been grafted to the rootstock) is above ground level. Fill in the hole with soil and water thoroughly, fully saturating the soil surrounding the plant. Add a layer of mulch around the plant to help retain soil moisture and deter weeds, and you're good to go! With proper care and a little patience, your newly planted rose is certain to become a showstopper in your garden!
After planting, your rose will need regular watering to establish its roots and become accustomed to its new home. As a general rule, roses require the equivalent of 1" of rainfall each week, with more frequent watering necessary during hot summer weather. Keep the soil moist, but not overly wet—roses love water, but cannot survive in boggy conditions. Once new growth appears, begin fertilizing your new addition once every 2 to 3 weeks with a fertilizer formulated for roses. Your plant will soon reward you with an abundance of beautiful blossoms and years of enjoyment!
With soilless roots, leafless canes and a petite stature, bareroot roses have an appearance that can be intimidating to some gardeners. Despite their humble beginnings, bareroot roses are proven performers ready to add color and fragrance to your garden. Today, we'll discuss the benefits of planting bareroot roses and some basics to get your new rose garden off to a great start!
Bareroot roses are shipped in a dormant state with no soil around their roots. Since they have no foliage or flowers to support, they can readily establish themselves once planted in the garden. Your newly planted bareroot rose will devote its valuable energy to developing an extensive root system rather than sustaining top growth, increasing your chances of success and ensuring a future filled with summertime bouquets.
Planting bareroot roses is a relatively simple task that will yield remarkable results. Before planting, give your rose a good soak in a bucket of water to rehydrate the roots. In the meantime, select a sunny planting site with fertile, well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter, and prepare the planting hole. The planting hole should be 12 to 18 inches deep and wide to accommodate the plant's root system and allow for continuous root growth. Build a mound of soil in the bottom of the hole, then position the roots on the mound so that the bud union (a bulge on the stem where the rose has been grafted to the rootstock) is above ground level. Fill in the hole with soil and water thoroughly, fully saturating the soil surrounding the plant. Add a layer of mulch around the plant to help retain soil moisture and deter weeds, and you're good to go! With proper care and a little patience, your newly planted rose is certain to become a showstopper in your garden!
After planting, your rose will need regular watering to establish its roots and become accustomed to its new home. As a general rule, roses require the equivalent of 1" of rainfall each week, with more frequent watering necessary during hot summer weather. Keep the soil moist, but not overly wet—roses love water, but cannot survive in boggy conditions. Once new growth appears, begin fertilizing your new addition once every 2 to 3 weeks with a fertilizer formulated for roses. Your plant will soon reward you with an abundance of beautiful blossoms and years of enjoyment!
How to Plant Bareroot Roses
How to Plant Bareroot Roses

How to Plant Bareroot Roses

How to Plant Bareroot Roses
