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Exciting news…
As many of you have already heard, Phillip Watson has decided to pursue other opportunities and will no longer be our QVC host. We will certainly miss him, and we wish him the best in his future endeavors.
We are very excited to announce that much searching has led us to two fantastic new hosts! Katie Dubow and Kelly Norris are joining our team, and they are so excited to connect and engage with the Cottage Farms gardening community. Though they come from different backgrounds, they both have an extreme passion for all things gardening. Our new team can’t wait to hear about and see pictures of all of your gardening successes and even those less-than-perfect gardening outcomes. With the addition of these garden gurus, the Cottage Farms team is ready to tackle any gardening project you can dream up!
All about Katie…
Katie Dubow is creative director at Garden Media Group, a public relations firm specializing in the home and garden industry and celebrating its 30th year in business. Author of the annual Garden Trends Report, Katie travels the world scouting and presenting garden trends to audiences from Italy to Chicago.
Katie is a judge at the Philadelphia Flower Show, the inaugural recipient of the Emergent Communicator Award from the Association of Garden Writers, and an awarded member of the 2018 Forty Under 40 from Greenhouse Product News. Previously, she worked at CBS Studios in New York City and was a public relations & marketing manager at Monet Jewelry. Katie received a degree in communications from Northeastern University where she was also a Division I rower on the crew team.
Katie lives and gardens in West Chester, PA with her husband, two daughters, one dog, and six chickens. Find her in the garden with her children, practicing yoga or dancing to Zumba. Her goal is to convince people that brown thumbs can, in fact, be turned green! Follow Katie on Facebook @KatieGardenGirl and Instagram @katiegmg.
All about Kelly…
Kelly Norris is an award-winning author and self-proclaimed “professional plant geek” from Iowa. He is the director of horticulture and education at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden, a newly revitalized public garden in Des Moines, Iowa. Throughout his career, his work has been featured in The New York Times, Organic Gardening, Better Homes and Gardens, Martha Stewart Living, Garden Design and in numerous local and regional media appearances.
As a writer and photographer, he regularly contributes to popular gardening magazines and industry trade publications. His book A Guide to Bearded Irises: Cultivating the Rainbow for Beginners and Enthusiasts won the 2013 American Horticultural Society Book Award, and his latest book Plants with Style debuted in December 2015.
As a speaker, Kelly has garnered acclaim for his high-energy, zealous presentations on the national stage, leading many to call him one of the rising stars of American horticulture. He has won numerous awards throughout his career, and he holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in horticulture from Iowa State University. Follow Kelly on Facebook @kellydnorris2 and Instagram @kellydnorris.
Exciting news…
As many of you have already heard, Phillip Watson has decided to pursue other opportunities and will no longer be our QVC host. We will certainly miss him, and we wish him the best in his future endeavors.
We are very excited to announce that much searching has led us to two fantastic new hosts! Katie Dubow and Kelly Norris are joining our team, and they are so excited to connect and engage with the Cottage Farms gardening community. Though they come from different backgrounds, they both have an extreme passion for all things gardening. Our new team can’t wait to hear about and see pictures of all of your gardening successes and even those less-than-perfect gardening outcomes. With the addition of these garden gurus, the Cottage Farms team is ready to tackle any gardening project you can dream up!
All about Katie…
Katie Dubow is creative director at Garden Media Group, a public relations firm specializing in the home and garden industry and celebrating its 30th year in business. Author of the annual Garden Trends Report, Katie travels the world scouting and presenting garden trends to audiences from Italy to Chicago.
Katie is a judge at the Philadelphia Flower Show, the inaugural recipient of the Emergent Communicator Award from the Association of Garden Writers, and an awarded member of the 2018 Forty Under 40 from Greenhouse Product News. Previously, she worked at CBS Studios in New York City and was a public relations & marketing manager at Monet Jewelry. Katie received a degree in communications from Northeastern University where she was also a Division I rower on the crew team.
Katie lives and gardens in West Chester, PA with her husband, two daughters, one dog, and six chickens. Find her in the garden with her children, practicing yoga or dancing to Zumba. Her goal is to convince people that brown thumbs can, in fact, be turned green! Follow Katie on Facebook @KatieGardenGirl and Instagram @katiegmg.
All about Kelly…
Kelly Norris is an award-winning author and self-proclaimed “professional plant geek” from Iowa. He is the director of horticulture and education at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden, a newly revitalized public garden in Des Moines, Iowa. Throughout his career, his work has been featured in The New York Times, Organic Gardening, Better Homes and Gardens, Martha Stewart Living, Garden Design and in numerous local and regional media appearances.
As a writer and photographer, he regularly contributes to popular gardening magazines and industry trade publications. His book A Guide to Bearded Irises: Cultivating the Rainbow for Beginners and Enthusiasts won the 2013 American Horticultural Society Book Award, and his latest book Plants with Style debuted in December 2015.
As a speaker, Kelly has garnered acclaim for his high-energy, zealous presentations on the national stage, leading many to call him one of the rising stars of American horticulture. He has won numerous awards throughout his career, and he holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in horticulture from Iowa State University. Follow Kelly on Facebook @kellydnorris2 and Instagram @kellydnorris.
Exciting news…
As many of you have already heard, Phillip Watson has decided to pursue other opportunities and will no longer be our QVC host. We will certainly miss him, and we wish him the best in his future endeavors.
We are very excited to announce that much searching has led us to two fantastic new hosts! Katie Dubow and Kelly Norris are joining our team, and they are so excited to connect and engage with the Cottage Farms gardening community. Though they come from different backgrounds, they both have an extreme passion for all things gardening. Our new team can’t wait to hear about and see pictures of all of your gardening successes and even those less-than-perfect gardening outcomes. With the addition of these garden gurus, the Cottage Farms team is ready to tackle any gardening project you can dream up!
All about Katie…
Katie Dubow is creative director at Garden Media Group, a public relations firm specializing in the home and garden industry and celebrating its 30th year in business. Author of the annual Garden Trends Report, Katie travels the world scouting and presenting garden trends to audiences from Italy to Chicago.
Katie is a judge at the Philadelphia Flower Show, the inaugural recipient of the Emergent Communicator Award from the Association of Garden Writers, and an awarded member of the 2018 Forty Under 40 from Greenhouse Product News. Previously, she worked at CBS Studios in New York City and was a public relations & marketing manager at Monet Jewelry. Katie received a degree in communications from Northeastern University where she was also a Division I rower on the crew team.
Katie lives and gardens in West Chester, PA with her husband, two daughters, one dog, and six chickens. Find her in the garden with her children, practicing yoga or dancing to Zumba. Her goal is to convince people that brown thumbs can, in fact, be turned green! Follow Katie on Facebook @KatieGardenGirl and Instagram @katiegmg.
All about Kelly…
Kelly Norris is an award-winning author and self-proclaimed “professional plant geek” from Iowa. He is the director of horticulture and education at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden, a newly revitalized public garden in Des Moines, Iowa. Throughout his career, his work has been featured in The New York Times, Organic Gardening, Better Homes and Gardens, Martha Stewart Living, Garden Design and in numerous local and regional media appearances.
As a writer and photographer, he regularly contributes to popular gardening magazines and industry trade publications. His book A Guide to Bearded Irises: Cultivating the Rainbow for Beginners and Enthusiasts won the 2013 American Horticultural Society Book Award, and his latest book Plants with Style debuted in December 2015.
As a speaker, Kelly has garnered acclaim for his high-energy, zealous presentations on the national stage, leading many to call him one of the rising stars of American horticulture. He has won numerous awards throughout his career, and he holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in horticulture from Iowa State University. Follow Kelly on Facebook @kellydnorris2 and Instagram @kellydnorris.
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