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Bushel and Berry™ Raspberry Shortcake®

Price: $17.95
SKU: CFD14482
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

This revolutionary raspberry is tasty, thornless, and perfect for the patio! A sweet combination of raspberry and vanilla flavors! 'Raspberry Shortcake®' will be a favorite of children and adults alike. Its firm, juicy fruits ripen to a bright shade of red and contrast with rich green foliage. The tasty fruits are ideal for baking, preserving, and fresh snacking! Includes one actively growing plant in a 5.5" pot.

Bred for containers, this dwarf raspberry requires no staking! Enjoy handfuls of nutritious, full-sized berries grown on your own patio or apartment balcony. 'Raspberry Shortcake®' makes a charming impression in the garden with a rounded habit, tear-shaped foliage and sturdy, thornless canes. Delight on-lookers with dainty springtime flowers and brilliant summertime fruit. Delicious raspberries begin ripening in early to mid-summer. Plant 'Raspberry Shortcake®' in a patio container or garden bed near your home, and enjoy easy access to fresh fruit year after year! Self-pollinating, disease resistant, and easy to grow! Raspberries perform best in full sun. Grow 'Raspberry Shortcake®' in well-drained soil, keeping the soil consistently moist for best results.

Bushel and Berry™ Raspberry Shortcake®

Bushel and Berry™ Raspberry Shortcake®

Price: $17.95
SKU: CFD14482
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree
Price: $17.95
SKU: CFD14482
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

This revolutionary raspberry is tasty, thornless, and perfect for the patio! A sweet combination of raspberry and vanilla flavors! 'Raspberry Shortcake®' will be a favorite of children and adults alike. Its firm, juicy fruits ripen to a bright shade of red and contrast with rich green foliage. The tasty fruits are ideal for baking, preserving, and fresh snacking! Includes one actively growing plant in a 5.5" pot.

Bred for containers, this dwarf raspberry requires no staking! Enjoy handfuls of nutritious, full-sized berries grown on your own patio or apartment balcony. 'Raspberry Shortcake®' makes a charming impression in the garden with a rounded habit, tear-shaped foliage and sturdy, thornless canes. Delight on-lookers with dainty springtime flowers and brilliant summertime fruit. Delicious raspberries begin ripening in early to mid-summer. Plant 'Raspberry Shortcake®' in a patio container or garden bed near your home, and enjoy easy access to fresh fruit year after year! Self-pollinating, disease resistant, and easy to grow! Raspberries perform best in full sun. Grow 'Raspberry Shortcake®' in well-drained soil, keeping the soil consistently moist for best results.

Bushel and Berry™ Raspberry Shortcake®

Price: $17.95
SKU: CFD14482
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

This revolutionary raspberry is tasty, thornless, and perfect for the patio! A sweet combination of raspberry and vanilla flavors! 'Raspberry Shortcake®' will be a favorite of children and adults alike. Its firm, juicy fruits ripen to a bright shade of red and contrast with rich green foliage. The tasty fruits are ideal for baking, preserving, and fresh snacking! Includes one actively growing plant in a 5.5" pot.

Bred for containers, this dwarf raspberry requires no staking! Enjoy handfuls of nutritious, full-sized berries grown on your own patio or apartment balcony. 'Raspberry Shortcake®' makes a charming impression in the garden with a rounded habit, tear-shaped foliage and sturdy, thornless canes. Delight on-lookers with dainty springtime flowers and brilliant summertime fruit. Delicious raspberries begin ripening in early to mid-summer. Plant 'Raspberry Shortcake®' in a patio container or garden bed near your home, and enjoy easy access to fresh fruit year after year! Self-pollinating, disease resistant, and easy to grow! Raspberries perform best in full sun. Grow 'Raspberry Shortcake®' in well-drained soil, keeping the soil consistently moist for best results.
Botanical Name - Rubus idaeus Raspberry Shortcake® ‘NR7’
Hardiness Zones - 4-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Spring
Exposure - Full sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 2 tp 3 feet
Mature Width - 2 to 3 feet
Botanical Name - Rubus idaeus Raspberry Shortcake® ‘NR7’
Hardiness Zones - 4-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Spring
Exposure - Full sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 2 tp 3 feet
Mature Width - 2 to 3 feet
Botanical Name - Rubus idaeus Raspberry Shortcake® ‘NR7’
Hardiness Zones - 4-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Spring
Exposure - Full sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 2 tp 3 feet
Mature Width - 2 to 3 feet
Botanical Name - Rubus idaeus Raspberry Shortcake® ‘NR7’
Hardiness Zones - 4-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Spring
Exposure - Full sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 2 tp 3 feet
Mature Width - 2 to 3 feet