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Copper Spoons Kalanchoe

Price: $7.95
SKU: CFD14813
This product is not currently available for purchase.
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

An unusual succulent with spoon-shaped leaves! Copper Spoons (Kalanchoe orgyalis) creates a colorful spectacle indoors or out with velvety color-changing leaves and an eye-catching upright habit. Includes one actively growing Copper Spoons in a 4” pot.

A versatile, easy-to-grow succulent, Copper Spoons undergoes a color transformation with copper-orange leaves that gradually mature to a deep bronze shade. Easy to grow and perfect for small spaces, it thrives in containers, tolerates drought, and can live for years with proper care. A great choice for beginners and succulent enthusiasts!

Copper Spoons Kalanchoe

Copper Spoons Kalanchoe

Price: $7.95
SKU: CFD14813
This product is not currently available for purchase.
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree
Price: $7.95
SKU: CFD14813
This product is not currently available for purchase.
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

An unusual succulent with spoon-shaped leaves! Copper Spoons (Kalanchoe orgyalis) creates a colorful spectacle indoors or out with velvety color-changing leaves and an eye-catching upright habit. Includes one actively growing Copper Spoons in a 4” pot.

A versatile, easy-to-grow succulent, Copper Spoons undergoes a color transformation with copper-orange leaves that gradually mature to a deep bronze shade. Easy to grow and perfect for small spaces, it thrives in containers, tolerates drought, and can live for years with proper care. A great choice for beginners and succulent enthusiasts!

Copper Spoons Kalanchoe

Price: $7.95
SKU: CFD14813
This product is not currently available for purchase.
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

An unusual succulent with spoon-shaped leaves! Copper Spoons (Kalanchoe orgyalis) creates a colorful spectacle indoors or out with velvety color-changing leaves and an eye-catching upright habit. Includes one actively growing Copper Spoons in a 4” pot.

A versatile, easy-to-grow succulent, Copper Spoons undergoes a color transformation with copper-orange leaves that gradually mature to a deep bronze shade. Easy to grow and perfect for small spaces, it thrives in containers, tolerates drought, and can live for years with proper care. A great choice for beginners and succulent enthusiasts!
Botanical Name - Kalanchoe orgyalis
Hardiness Zones - 9-11
Annual or Perennial - Annual
Bloom season - Late winter
Exposure - Bright indirect light
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 12 to 36 inches
Mature Width - 12 to 36 inches
Botanical Name - Kalanchoe orgyalis
Hardiness Zones - 9-11
Annual or Perennial - Annual
Bloom season - Late winter
Exposure - Bright indirect light
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 12 to 36 inches
Mature Width - 12 to 36 inches
Botanical Name - Kalanchoe orgyalis
Hardiness Zones - 9-11
Annual or Perennial - Annual
Bloom season - Late winter
Exposure - Bright indirect light
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 12 to 36 inches
Mature Width - 12 to 36 inches
Botanical Name - Kalanchoe orgyalis
Hardiness Zones - 9-11
Annual or Perennial - Annual
Bloom season - Late winter
Exposure - Bright indirect light
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 12 to 36 inches
Mature Width - 12 to 36 inches