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3-Piece Chantilly White Mini Rose

Price: $9.95
SKU: CFD10809
This product is not currently available for purchase.  
For optimum performance we suggest:
18-24-18 Bud-N-Flower Booster for Roses

Flowers that insist on blooming! If you are looking for the perfect plant to add pizzazz to small spaces in the garden, mini roses are the solution for you! White makes other colors pop and look more vibrant, and redirects the eye to the most beautiful areas of your yard. Includes three actively growing plants in 2.5” pots.

Must-have color in the garden! White flowers are often overlooked and seen as boring when, in fact, they are a must-have in the garden! 'Chantilly White' is loaded with pure white, 1.5-inch blooms branched on a dense, compact mini shrub! Welcome winged friends into the garden! The individual flowers are filled with sweet nectar that will attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Add constant beauty to your garden with these continuous bloomers. From early summer to fall, the tiny, bright white blooms make their debut. Miniature roses have been a favorite among gardeners for years due to their versatility. Because of its compact nature, 'Chantilly White' allows gardeners with the smallest of spaces to enjoy its beauty. Great for balconies and patios, this hardy plant holds up well to urban environments. Stress-free rose gardening! These hardy and disease resistant shrubs are easy to grow! Their compact and well branched nature requires only minimal pruning in spring.

3-Piece Chantilly White Mini Rose

3-Piece Chantilly White Mini Rose

Price: $9.95
SKU: CFD10809
This product is not currently available for purchase.  
For optimum performance we suggest:
18-24-18 Bud-N-Flower Booster for Roses
Price: $9.95
SKU: CFD10809
This product is not currently available for purchase.  
For optimum performance we suggest:
18-24-18 Bud-N-Flower Booster for Roses

Flowers that insist on blooming! If you are looking for the perfect plant to add pizzazz to small spaces in the garden, mini roses are the solution for you! White makes other colors pop and look more vibrant, and redirects the eye to the most beautiful areas of your yard. Includes three actively growing plants in 2.5” pots.

Must-have color in the garden! White flowers are often overlooked and seen as boring when, in fact, they are a must-have in the garden! 'Chantilly White' is loaded with pure white, 1.5-inch blooms branched on a dense, compact mini shrub! Welcome winged friends into the garden! The individual flowers are filled with sweet nectar that will attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Add constant beauty to your garden with these continuous bloomers. From early summer to fall, the tiny, bright white blooms make their debut. Miniature roses have been a favorite among gardeners for years due to their versatility. Because of its compact nature, 'Chantilly White' allows gardeners with the smallest of spaces to enjoy its beauty. Great for balconies and patios, this hardy plant holds up well to urban environments. Stress-free rose gardening! These hardy and disease resistant shrubs are easy to grow! Their compact and well branched nature requires only minimal pruning in spring.

3-Piece Chantilly White Mini Rose

Price: $9.95
SKU: CFD10809
This product is not currently available for purchase.  
For optimum performance we suggest:
18-24-18 Bud-N-Flower Booster for Roses

Flowers that insist on blooming! If you are looking for the perfect plant to add pizzazz to small spaces in the garden, mini roses are the solution for you! White makes other colors pop and look more vibrant, and redirects the eye to the most beautiful areas of your yard. Includes three actively growing plants in 2.5” pots.

Must-have color in the garden! White flowers are often overlooked and seen as boring when, in fact, they are a must-have in the garden! 'Chantilly White' is loaded with pure white, 1.5-inch blooms branched on a dense, compact mini shrub! Welcome winged friends into the garden! The individual flowers are filled with sweet nectar that will attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Add constant beauty to your garden with these continuous bloomers. From early summer to fall, the tiny, bright white blooms make their debut. Miniature roses have been a favorite among gardeners for years due to their versatility. Because of its compact nature, 'Chantilly White' allows gardeners with the smallest of spaces to enjoy its beauty. Great for balconies and patios, this hardy plant holds up well to urban environments. Stress-free rose gardening! These hardy and disease resistant shrubs are easy to grow! Their compact and well branched nature requires only minimal pruning in spring.
Botanical Name - Rosa x 'Chantilly White'
Hardiness Zones - 4-10
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Early summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 1 to 2 feet
Mature Width - 2 to 3 feet
Botanical Name - Rosa x 'Chantilly White'
Hardiness Zones - 4-10
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Early summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 1 to 2 feet
Mature Width - 2 to 3 feet
Botanical Name - Rosa x 'Chantilly White'
Hardiness Zones - 4-10
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Early summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 1 to 2 feet
Mature Width - 2 to 3 feet
Botanical Name - Rosa x 'Chantilly White'
Hardiness Zones - 4-10
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Early summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 1 to 2 feet
Mature Width - 2 to 3 feet