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3-Piece Vis Violet Mini Rose

Price: $18.95
SKU: CFD14921
This product is not currently available for purchase.  
For optimum performance we suggest:
18-24-18 Bud-N-Flower Booster for Roses

These hardy perennials withstand frigid winters, coming back each spring ready to bloom again. Spend less time working and more time enjoying the bounty of blooms. Plant these colorful blooming machines in your landscape or containers to replace the costly annuals that need re-planting year after year. Includes three actively growing plants in 4" pots.

'Vis Violet' attractive lavender-pink buds and flowers on a compact, bushy plant. Highly adaptable to various climates and environmental conditions. These carefree miniature roses are extremely hardy (to -30°) and also thrive in high heat. The more sun, the more flowers, but will grow in light shade. Extremely versatile, miniature roses can be planted in nearly any application including containers, borders, landscapes, formal gardens and foundation plantings. Blooming from late spring until heavy frost year after year, these roses are a valuable investment for any garden. A burst of color will infuse your landscape or containers as these high impact performers perfume the air with classic rose scent. Mini roses are great companion plants for other sun-loving annuals, perennials, and bulbs. Their compact, mounding habit will accent taller background plants like iris, gladiolas and dahlias. No green thumb? No problem! Miniature roses are as easy to grow as daylilies and the results are so rewarding. 'Vis Violet' is perfect for gardeners both new and experienced who are looking to add a pop of color to their garden. Selected for their prolific blooming and easy-care nature, these tough-as-nails roses require little maintenance so you can spend less time working and more time enjoying the bounty of blooms.

3-Piece Vis Violet Mini Rose

3-Piece Vis Violet Mini Rose

Price: $18.95
SKU: CFD14921
This product is not currently available for purchase.  
For optimum performance we suggest:
18-24-18 Bud-N-Flower Booster for Roses
Price: $18.95
SKU: CFD14921
This product is not currently available for purchase.  
For optimum performance we suggest:
18-24-18 Bud-N-Flower Booster for Roses

These hardy perennials withstand frigid winters, coming back each spring ready to bloom again. Spend less time working and more time enjoying the bounty of blooms. Plant these colorful blooming machines in your landscape or containers to replace the costly annuals that need re-planting year after year. Includes three actively growing plants in 4" pots.

'Vis Violet' attractive lavender-pink buds and flowers on a compact, bushy plant. Highly adaptable to various climates and environmental conditions. These carefree miniature roses are extremely hardy (to -30°) and also thrive in high heat. The more sun, the more flowers, but will grow in light shade. Extremely versatile, miniature roses can be planted in nearly any application including containers, borders, landscapes, formal gardens and foundation plantings. Blooming from late spring until heavy frost year after year, these roses are a valuable investment for any garden. A burst of color will infuse your landscape or containers as these high impact performers perfume the air with classic rose scent. Mini roses are great companion plants for other sun-loving annuals, perennials, and bulbs. Their compact, mounding habit will accent taller background plants like iris, gladiolas and dahlias. No green thumb? No problem! Miniature roses are as easy to grow as daylilies and the results are so rewarding. 'Vis Violet' is perfect for gardeners both new and experienced who are looking to add a pop of color to their garden. Selected for their prolific blooming and easy-care nature, these tough-as-nails roses require little maintenance so you can spend less time working and more time enjoying the bounty of blooms.

3-Piece Vis Violet Mini Rose

Price: $18.95
SKU: CFD14921
This product is not currently available for purchase.  
For optimum performance we suggest:
18-24-18 Bud-N-Flower Booster for Roses

These hardy perennials withstand frigid winters, coming back each spring ready to bloom again. Spend less time working and more time enjoying the bounty of blooms. Plant these colorful blooming machines in your landscape or containers to replace the costly annuals that need re-planting year after year. Includes three actively growing plants in 4" pots.

'Vis Violet' attractive lavender-pink buds and flowers on a compact, bushy plant. Highly adaptable to various climates and environmental conditions. These carefree miniature roses are extremely hardy (to -30°) and also thrive in high heat. The more sun, the more flowers, but will grow in light shade. Extremely versatile, miniature roses can be planted in nearly any application including containers, borders, landscapes, formal gardens and foundation plantings. Blooming from late spring until heavy frost year after year, these roses are a valuable investment for any garden. A burst of color will infuse your landscape or containers as these high impact performers perfume the air with classic rose scent. Mini roses are great companion plants for other sun-loving annuals, perennials, and bulbs. Their compact, mounding habit will accent taller background plants like iris, gladiolas and dahlias. No green thumb? No problem! Miniature roses are as easy to grow as daylilies and the results are so rewarding. 'Vis Violet' is perfect for gardeners both new and experienced who are looking to add a pop of color to their garden. Selected for their prolific blooming and easy-care nature, these tough-as-nails roses require little maintenance so you can spend less time working and more time enjoying the bounty of blooms.
Botanical Name - Rosa 'Vis Violet'
Hardiness Zones - 4-10
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Early summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 1 to 2 feet
Mature Width - 2 to 3 feet
Botanical Name - Rosa 'Vis Violet'
Hardiness Zones - 4-10
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Early summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 1 to 2 feet
Mature Width - 2 to 3 feet
Botanical Name - Rosa 'Vis Violet'
Hardiness Zones - 4-10
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Early summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 1 to 2 feet
Mature Width - 2 to 3 feet
Botanical Name - Rosa 'Vis Violet'
Hardiness Zones - 4-10
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Early summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 1 to 2 feet
Mature Width - 2 to 3 feet