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Snow Storm Hydrangea

Price: $9.95
SKU: CFD14462
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For optimum performance we suggest:
21-7-7 Bud-N-Flower Booster For Acid Loving Plants

Snowstorm has the biggest flower of any Hydrangea we sell. This is the only pure white mophead Hydrangea in the market and it sure does make itself known with blossom up to 12" across of pure white florets. More blooms per plant and a significantly longer bloom period than traditional hydrangeas! Includes one actively growing plant in a 5.5” pot.

Blooming earlier than other hydrangeas, these pure white flowers provide a dramatic contrast against its dark green foliage. Its compact habit makes it great for in-ground as foundation planting, or planting in containers along pathways or entryway. Pollinator friendly! A lovely choice for a garden setting, while doubling as the perfect cut flower for weddings and other important events. Because each stem is like a bouquet, you'll want to cut and bring these brightly-colored blooms indoors to enjoy in cut flower arrangements, too! Blooms can also be dried and enjoyed year-round. Unlike ordinary varieties that only bloom once, this flowers continuously from summer to frost. Since new blossoms are constantly emerging, the plant always looks fresh. Plus, it flowers on both old and new wood, so there's no need to worry about late frosts or improper pruning! Spectacular when planted individually or as a hedge. This hydrangea is deer resistant, cold hardy and heat tolerant and tolerates salt making it even suitable for seaside gardens! Little to no pruning required, easy to grow and long-lived.

Snow Storm Hydrangea

Snow Storm Hydrangea

Snowstorm has the biggest flower of any Hydrangea we sell. This is the only pure white mophead Hydrangea in the market and it sure does make itself known with blossom up to 12" across of pure white florets. More blooms per plant and a significantly longer bloom period than traditional hydrangeas! Includes one actively growing plant in a 5.5” pot.

Blooming earlier than other hydrangeas, these pure white flowers provide a dramatic contrast against its dark green foliage. Its compact habit makes it great for in-ground as foundation planting, or planting in containers along pathways or entryway. Pollinator friendly! A lovely choice for a garden setting, while doubling as the perfect cut flower for weddings and other important events. Because each stem is like a bouquet, you'll want to cut and bring these brightly-colored blooms indoors to enjoy in cut flower arrangements, too! Blooms can also be dried and enjoyed year-round. Unlike ordinary varieties that only bloom once, this flowers continuously from summer to frost. Since new blossoms are constantly emerging, the plant always looks fresh. Plus, it flowers on both old and new wood, so there's no need to worry about late frosts or improper pruning! Spectacular when planted individually or as a hedge. This hydrangea is deer resistant, cold hardy and heat tolerant and tolerates salt making it even suitable for seaside gardens! Little to no pruning required, easy to grow and long-lived.

Snow Storm Hydrangea

Price: $9.95
SKU: CFD14462
+ Click for Additional Items
For optimum performance we suggest:
21-7-7 Bud-N-Flower Booster For Acid Loving Plants

Snowstorm has the biggest flower of any Hydrangea we sell. This is the only pure white mophead Hydrangea in the market and it sure does make itself known with blossom up to 12" across of pure white florets. More blooms per plant and a significantly longer bloom period than traditional hydrangeas! Includes one actively growing plant in a 5.5” pot.

Blooming earlier than other hydrangeas, these pure white flowers provide a dramatic contrast against its dark green foliage. Its compact habit makes it great for in-ground as foundation planting, or planting in containers along pathways or entryway. Pollinator friendly! A lovely choice for a garden setting, while doubling as the perfect cut flower for weddings and other important events. Because each stem is like a bouquet, you'll want to cut and bring these brightly-colored blooms indoors to enjoy in cut flower arrangements, too! Blooms can also be dried and enjoyed year-round. Unlike ordinary varieties that only bloom once, this flowers continuously from summer to frost. Since new blossoms are constantly emerging, the plant always looks fresh. Plus, it flowers on both old and new wood, so there's no need to worry about late frosts or improper pruning! Spectacular when planted individually or as a hedge. This hydrangea is deer resistant, cold hardy and heat tolerant and tolerates salt making it even suitable for seaside gardens! Little to no pruning required, easy to grow and long-lived.
Botanical Name - Hydrangea macrophylla 'White King'
Hardiness Zones - 4-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to frost
Exposure - Part shade to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 4 to 5 feet
Mature Width - 4 to 5 feet
Botanical Name - Hydrangea macrophylla 'White King'
Hardiness Zones - 4-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to frost
Exposure - Part shade to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 4 to 5 feet
Mature Width - 4 to 5 feet
Botanical Name - Hydrangea macrophylla 'White King'
Hardiness Zones - 4-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to frost
Exposure - Part shade to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 4 to 5 feet
Mature Width - 4 to 5 feet
Botanical Name - Hydrangea macrophylla 'White King'
Hardiness Zones - 4-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to frost
Exposure - Part shade to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 4 to 5 feet
Mature Width - 4 to 5 feet