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3-Piece Electric Orange SunPatiens®

Price: $11.95
SKU: CFD14196
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For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

Beautiful blooms by the dozens! Wake up your garden with the bright, eye-catching blossoms of 'Electric Orange'! Part of the Next Generation series of SunPatiens®, 'Electric Orange' features large flowers, early blooming and shocking neon orange color! Includes three actively growing plants in 2.5" pots.

This garden favorite is a compact variety with neat and tidy foliage. Breathtaking neon orange blooms completely cover the shrubby plant from head to toe! A special treat for winged visitors! Butterflies will dance among these vibrant blooms and even stop for a quick sip of nectar. Enjoy the view! Because of its petite nature, it is an excellent specimen for small spaces. Plant along a pathway or in your flower beds, hanging baskets or containers! This annual will bloom nonstop from summer until frost! The perfect plant for green thumbs in training! Care and maintenance are a breeze with SunPatiens®, giving you more enjoyment with less work! SunPatiens® are the first impatiens that actually thrive in full sun. With a strong, durable root system, these SunPatiens® grow fast and fill in quickly. SunPatiens® are not fazed at all by downy mildew and require no deadheading!

3-Piece Electric Orange SunPatiens®

3-Piece Electric Orange SunPatiens®

Price: $11.95
SKU: CFD14196
+ Click for Additional Items
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree
Price: $11.95
SKU: CFD14196
+ Click for Additional Items
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

Beautiful blooms by the dozens! Wake up your garden with the bright, eye-catching blossoms of 'Electric Orange'! Part of the Next Generation series of SunPatiens®, 'Electric Orange' features large flowers, early blooming and shocking neon orange color! Includes three actively growing plants in 2.5" pots.

This garden favorite is a compact variety with neat and tidy foliage. Breathtaking neon orange blooms completely cover the shrubby plant from head to toe! A special treat for winged visitors! Butterflies will dance among these vibrant blooms and even stop for a quick sip of nectar. Enjoy the view! Because of its petite nature, it is an excellent specimen for small spaces. Plant along a pathway or in your flower beds, hanging baskets or containers! This annual will bloom nonstop from summer until frost! The perfect plant for green thumbs in training! Care and maintenance are a breeze with SunPatiens®, giving you more enjoyment with less work! SunPatiens® are the first impatiens that actually thrive in full sun. With a strong, durable root system, these SunPatiens® grow fast and fill in quickly. SunPatiens® are not fazed at all by downy mildew and require no deadheading!

3-Piece Electric Orange SunPatiens®

Price: $11.95
SKU: CFD14196
+ Click for Additional Items
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

Beautiful blooms by the dozens! Wake up your garden with the bright, eye-catching blossoms of 'Electric Orange'! Part of the Next Generation series of SunPatiens®, 'Electric Orange' features large flowers, early blooming and shocking neon orange color! Includes three actively growing plants in 2.5" pots.

This garden favorite is a compact variety with neat and tidy foliage. Breathtaking neon orange blooms completely cover the shrubby plant from head to toe! A special treat for winged visitors! Butterflies will dance among these vibrant blooms and even stop for a quick sip of nectar. Enjoy the view! Because of its petite nature, it is an excellent specimen for small spaces. Plant along a pathway or in your flower beds, hanging baskets or containers! This annual will bloom nonstop from summer until frost! The perfect plant for green thumbs in training! Care and maintenance are a breeze with SunPatiens®, giving you more enjoyment with less work! SunPatiens® are the first impatiens that actually thrive in full sun. With a strong, durable root system, these SunPatiens® grow fast and fill in quickly. SunPatiens® are not fazed at all by downy mildew and require no deadheading!
Botanical Name - Impatiens x hybrida hort 'Electric Orange'
Hardiness Zones - Not winter hardy, will thrive from spring to fall in all zones
Annual or Perennial - Annual
Bloom season - Summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 12 to 30 inches
Mature Width - 12 to 30 inches
Botanical Name - Impatiens x hybrida hort 'Electric Orange'
Hardiness Zones - Not winter hardy, will thrive from spring to fall in all zones
Annual or Perennial - Annual
Bloom season - Summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 12 to 30 inches
Mature Width - 12 to 30 inches
Botanical Name - Impatiens x hybrida hort 'Electric Orange'
Hardiness Zones - Not winter hardy, will thrive from spring to fall in all zones
Annual or Perennial - Annual
Bloom season - Summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 12 to 30 inches
Mature Width - 12 to 30 inches
Botanical Name - Impatiens x hybrida hort 'Electric Orange'
Hardiness Zones - Not winter hardy, will thrive from spring to fall in all zones
Annual or Perennial - Annual
Bloom season - Summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 12 to 30 inches
Mature Width - 12 to 30 inches