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3-Piece Peach Candy SunPatiens®

Price: $11.95
SKU: CFD14909
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For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

Stunning bicolor blossoms! 'Peach Candy' features beautiful two-toned flowers that practically blanket the entire plant! Part of the Next Generation series of SunPatiens®, 'Peach Candy' brings the garden to life with its mounded habit, nonstop flowering, and eye-catching color! Includes three actively growing plants in 2.5" pots.

Known for its fast growth and mounding habit, it is very rare to ever see a bare spot on 'Peach Candy'. Blooms practically cover this plant head to toe as the leafy green foliage peeks out to provide great contrasting color! Butterflies will flock to the abundant blooms looking for a tasty treat. SunPatiens® provide them the nutrients they need to go about their day and pollinate your garden! Unstoppable flower power! The gorgeous bicolor flowers cover each plant from late spring until frost. Spreading up to 30 inches across, SunPatiens® will cover a tremendous amount of space in your garden or will fill up large containers with spectacular color for over four months! An excellent alternative to traditional impatiens as they provide three times the coverage! A breeding breakthrough, SunPatiens® are the first impatiens to actually thrive in full sun! With a strong, durable root system, these SunPatiens® grow fast and fill in quickly. SunPatiens® are not fazed at all by downy mildew and require no deadheading! This easy-to-grow plant is a no-fail option for gardeners seeking high-impact color.

3-Piece Peach Candy SunPatiens®

3-Piece Peach Candy SunPatiens®

Price: $11.95
SKU: CFD14909
+ Click for Additional Items
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree
Price: $11.95
SKU: CFD14909
+ Click for Additional Items
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

Stunning bicolor blossoms! 'Peach Candy' features beautiful two-toned flowers that practically blanket the entire plant! Part of the Next Generation series of SunPatiens®, 'Peach Candy' brings the garden to life with its mounded habit, nonstop flowering, and eye-catching color! Includes three actively growing plants in 2.5" pots.

Known for its fast growth and mounding habit, it is very rare to ever see a bare spot on 'Peach Candy'. Blooms practically cover this plant head to toe as the leafy green foliage peeks out to provide great contrasting color! Butterflies will flock to the abundant blooms looking for a tasty treat. SunPatiens® provide them the nutrients they need to go about their day and pollinate your garden! Unstoppable flower power! The gorgeous bicolor flowers cover each plant from late spring until frost. Spreading up to 30 inches across, SunPatiens® will cover a tremendous amount of space in your garden or will fill up large containers with spectacular color for over four months! An excellent alternative to traditional impatiens as they provide three times the coverage! A breeding breakthrough, SunPatiens® are the first impatiens to actually thrive in full sun! With a strong, durable root system, these SunPatiens® grow fast and fill in quickly. SunPatiens® are not fazed at all by downy mildew and require no deadheading! This easy-to-grow plant is a no-fail option for gardeners seeking high-impact color.

3-Piece Peach Candy SunPatiens®

Price: $11.95
SKU: CFD14909
+ Click for Additional Items
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

Stunning bicolor blossoms! 'Peach Candy' features beautiful two-toned flowers that practically blanket the entire plant! Part of the Next Generation series of SunPatiens®, 'Peach Candy' brings the garden to life with its mounded habit, nonstop flowering, and eye-catching color! Includes three actively growing plants in 2.5" pots.

Known for its fast growth and mounding habit, it is very rare to ever see a bare spot on 'Peach Candy'. Blooms practically cover this plant head to toe as the leafy green foliage peeks out to provide great contrasting color! Butterflies will flock to the abundant blooms looking for a tasty treat. SunPatiens® provide them the nutrients they need to go about their day and pollinate your garden! Unstoppable flower power! The gorgeous bicolor flowers cover each plant from late spring until frost. Spreading up to 30 inches across, SunPatiens® will cover a tremendous amount of space in your garden or will fill up large containers with spectacular color for over four months! An excellent alternative to traditional impatiens as they provide three times the coverage! A breeding breakthrough, SunPatiens® are the first impatiens to actually thrive in full sun! With a strong, durable root system, these SunPatiens® grow fast and fill in quickly. SunPatiens® are not fazed at all by downy mildew and require no deadheading! This easy-to-grow plant is a no-fail option for gardeners seeking high-impact color.
Botanical Name - Impatiens 'Peach Candy'
Hardiness Zones - Not winter hardy; will thrive from spring to fall in all zones
Annual or Perennial - Annual
Bloom season - Summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 12 to 30 inches
Mature Width - 12 to 30 inches
Botanical Name - Impatiens 'Peach Candy'
Hardiness Zones - Not winter hardy; will thrive from spring to fall in all zones
Annual or Perennial - Annual
Bloom season - Summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 12 to 30 inches
Mature Width - 12 to 30 inches
Botanical Name - Impatiens 'Peach Candy'
Hardiness Zones - Not winter hardy; will thrive from spring to fall in all zones
Annual or Perennial - Annual
Bloom season - Summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 12 to 30 inches
Mature Width - 12 to 30 inches
Botanical Name - Impatiens 'Peach Candy'
Hardiness Zones - Not winter hardy; will thrive from spring to fall in all zones
Annual or Perennial - Annual
Bloom season - Summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - No
Mature Height - 12 to 30 inches
Mature Width - 12 to 30 inches