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2-Piece Dapper® Butterfly Bush Duo

Price: $6.95
SKU: CFD14881
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For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

Perfume from these vibrant flowers lures in the nectar-lovers! Help out the all-too-important pollinators and bring the butterflies and hummingbirds to you by surrounding your patio or garden with this honey-sweet and richly colorful duo. Includes two actively growing plants, one each of Dapper® 'Lavender' and 'Pink' in 2.5" pots.

Reaching only 3 to 4 feet tall and wide, these dwarf butterfly bushes herald the summer season with colorful blossoms and a honey-like fragrance. The dense, mounding habit of these petite shrubs is well-suited to containers or planting behind low-growing plants for a colorful contrast in a small perennial garden. Expect the dazzling blossoms of this fast-growing deciduous shrub to last throughout summer into fall. Butterfly bushes perform best in well-drained soil and full sun. To encourage continuous blooming throughout the season, remove spent flower stalks as flowers fade. This butterfly bush requires little watering and no pruning apart from an optional trim in early spring. Butterfly bushes are well-known for tolerating dense clay soil and resisting damage from browsing deer and rabbits. This product cannot ship to OR or WA.

2-Piece Dapper® Butterfly Bush Duo

2-Piece Dapper® Butterfly Bush Duo

Price: $6.95
SKU: CFD14881
+ Click for Additional Items
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree
Price: $6.95
SKU: CFD14881
+ Click for Additional Items
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

Perfume from these vibrant flowers lures in the nectar-lovers! Help out the all-too-important pollinators and bring the butterflies and hummingbirds to you by surrounding your patio or garden with this honey-sweet and richly colorful duo. Includes two actively growing plants, one each of Dapper® 'Lavender' and 'Pink' in 2.5" pots.

Reaching only 3 to 4 feet tall and wide, these dwarf butterfly bushes herald the summer season with colorful blossoms and a honey-like fragrance. The dense, mounding habit of these petite shrubs is well-suited to containers or planting behind low-growing plants for a colorful contrast in a small perennial garden. Expect the dazzling blossoms of this fast-growing deciduous shrub to last throughout summer into fall. Butterfly bushes perform best in well-drained soil and full sun. To encourage continuous blooming throughout the season, remove spent flower stalks as flowers fade. This butterfly bush requires little watering and no pruning apart from an optional trim in early spring. Butterfly bushes are well-known for tolerating dense clay soil and resisting damage from browsing deer and rabbits. This product cannot ship to OR or WA.

2-Piece Dapper® Butterfly Bush Duo

Price: $6.95
SKU: CFD14881
+ Click for Additional Items
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

Perfume from these vibrant flowers lures in the nectar-lovers! Help out the all-too-important pollinators and bring the butterflies and hummingbirds to you by surrounding your patio or garden with this honey-sweet and richly colorful duo. Includes two actively growing plants, one each of Dapper® 'Lavender' and 'Pink' in 2.5" pots.

Reaching only 3 to 4 feet tall and wide, these dwarf butterfly bushes herald the summer season with colorful blossoms and a honey-like fragrance. The dense, mounding habit of these petite shrubs is well-suited to containers or planting behind low-growing plants for a colorful contrast in a small perennial garden. Expect the dazzling blossoms of this fast-growing deciduous shrub to last throughout summer into fall. Butterfly bushes perform best in well-drained soil and full sun. To encourage continuous blooming throughout the season, remove spent flower stalks as flowers fade. This butterfly bush requires little watering and no pruning apart from an optional trim in early spring. Butterfly bushes are well-known for tolerating dense clay soil and resisting damage from browsing deer and rabbits. This product cannot ship to OR or WA.
Botanical Name - Buddleia Dapper® 'Lavender'
Hardiness Zones - 5-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to fall
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 3 to 4 feet
Mature Width - 3 to 4 feet
Botanical Name - Buddleia Dapper® 'Lavender'
Hardiness Zones - 5-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to fall
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 3 to 4 feet
Mature Width - 3 to 4 feet
Botanical Name - Buddleia Dapper® 'Lavender'
Hardiness Zones - 5-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to fall
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 3 to 4 feet
Mature Width - 3 to 4 feet
Botanical Name - Buddleia Dapper® 'Lavender'
Hardiness Zones - 5-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to fall
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 3 to 4 feet
Mature Width - 3 to 4 feet
Botanical Name - Buddleia Dapper® 'Pink'
Hardiness Zones - 5-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to fall
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 3 to 4 feet
Mature Width - 3 to 4 feet
Botanical Name - Buddleia Dapper® 'Pink'
Hardiness Zones - 5-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to fall
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 3 to 4 feet
Mature Width - 3 to 4 feet
Botanical Name - Buddleia Dapper® 'Pink'
Hardiness Zones - 5-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to fall
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 3 to 4 feet
Mature Width - 3 to 4 feet
Botanical Name - Buddleia Dapper® 'Pink'
Hardiness Zones - 5-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to fall
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 3 to 4 feet
Mature Width - 3 to 4 feet