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2-Piece True Blue Butterfly Bush

Price: $7.95
SKU: CFD14884
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For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

‘True Blue’ is the bluest butterfly bush on the market! Its colorful 8” flower spikes are dotted with reddish orange eyes and perfumed with a sweet fragrance. With an upright habit, silvery green foliage, and bold blossoms, this hardy shrub makes an eye-catching statement in any garden. Includes two actively growing plants in 2.5" pots.

‘True Blue’ draws in pollinators from summer to frost with a profusion of colorful, honey-scented blossoms! Butterfly bushes thrive in sunny gardens and perform best in moist soil. Colorful, hardy, and deer resistant, it makes a dazzling impression in any garden!

2-Piece True Blue Butterfly Bush

2-Piece True Blue Butterfly Bush

Price: $7.95
SKU: CFD14884
+ Click for Additional Items
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree
Price: $7.95
SKU: CFD14884
+ Click for Additional Items
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

‘True Blue’ is the bluest butterfly bush on the market! Its colorful 8” flower spikes are dotted with reddish orange eyes and perfumed with a sweet fragrance. With an upright habit, silvery green foliage, and bold blossoms, this hardy shrub makes an eye-catching statement in any garden. Includes two actively growing plants in 2.5" pots.

‘True Blue’ draws in pollinators from summer to frost with a profusion of colorful, honey-scented blossoms! Butterfly bushes thrive in sunny gardens and perform best in moist soil. Colorful, hardy, and deer resistant, it makes a dazzling impression in any garden!

2-Piece True Blue Butterfly Bush

Price: $7.95
SKU: CFD14884
+ Click for Additional Items
For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

‘True Blue’ is the bluest butterfly bush on the market! Its colorful 8” flower spikes are dotted with reddish orange eyes and perfumed with a sweet fragrance. With an upright habit, silvery green foliage, and bold blossoms, this hardy shrub makes an eye-catching statement in any garden. Includes two actively growing plants in 2.5" pots.

‘True Blue’ draws in pollinators from summer to frost with a profusion of colorful, honey-scented blossoms! Butterfly bushes thrive in sunny gardens and perform best in moist soil. Colorful, hardy, and deer resistant, it makes a dazzling impression in any garden!
Botanical Name - Buddleia 'True Blue'
Hardiness Zones - 5-10
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 4 to 6 feet
Mature Width - 6 feet
Botanical Name - Buddleia 'True Blue'
Hardiness Zones - 5-10
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 4 to 6 feet
Mature Width - 6 feet
Botanical Name - Buddleia 'True Blue'
Hardiness Zones - 5-10
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 4 to 6 feet
Mature Width - 6 feet
Botanical Name - Buddleia 'True Blue'
Hardiness Zones - 5-10
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to frost
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 4 to 6 feet
Mature Width - 6 feet