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2-Piece Royal Red Butterfly Bush

Price: $6.95
SKU: CFD14883
This product is not currently available for purchase.  
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For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

One of the easiest of all flowering ornamentals to grow and guaranteed to bloom this year! Marvelously fragrant, long blooming and drought tolerant! The large, globe-shaped flower clusters have a sweet, honey-like scent that makes the plant irresistible. The long bloom time will keep your garden buzzing with life from early summer until the season's end. Includes two actively growing plants in 2.5" pots.

No plant attracts more butterflies than a butterfly bush! Hummingbirds also love the large panicles of nectar-filled flowers. Excellent as cut flowers to bring indoors. True to its name, this butterfly bush produces 6 to 12 inch globe-shaped panicles with bright magenta flowers. With a compact habit that features stronger branching, you'll find its fragrant, honey-scented flowers at stem ends very attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. A perfect addition to any butterfly or cottage garden, when other plants are spent, butterfly bushes are just beginning their show! Your guests won't be able to resist admiring the beautiful plant and its wonderful fragrance. Plant it near a window or porch so you can sit and enjoy the sweet fragrance all summer. These perennial workhorses bloom from summer to fall, keeping your garden bustling with life for months on end. Established plants require little maintenance and thrive in the landscape for years. This product cannot ship to OR or WA.

2-Piece Royal Red Butterfly Bush

2-Piece Royal Red Butterfly Bush

Price: $6.95
SKU: CFD14883
This product is not currently available for purchase.  
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For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree
Price: $6.95
SKU: CFD14883
This product is not currently available for purchase.  
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For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

One of the easiest of all flowering ornamentals to grow and guaranteed to bloom this year! Marvelously fragrant, long blooming and drought tolerant! The large, globe-shaped flower clusters have a sweet, honey-like scent that makes the plant irresistible. The long bloom time will keep your garden buzzing with life from early summer until the season's end. Includes two actively growing plants in 2.5" pots.

No plant attracts more butterflies than a butterfly bush! Hummingbirds also love the large panicles of nectar-filled flowers. Excellent as cut flowers to bring indoors. True to its name, this butterfly bush produces 6 to 12 inch globe-shaped panicles with bright magenta flowers. With a compact habit that features stronger branching, you'll find its fragrant, honey-scented flowers at stem ends very attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. A perfect addition to any butterfly or cottage garden, when other plants are spent, butterfly bushes are just beginning their show! Your guests won't be able to resist admiring the beautiful plant and its wonderful fragrance. Plant it near a window or porch so you can sit and enjoy the sweet fragrance all summer. These perennial workhorses bloom from summer to fall, keeping your garden bustling with life for months on end. Established plants require little maintenance and thrive in the landscape for years. This product cannot ship to OR or WA.

2-Piece Royal Red Butterfly Bush

Price: $6.95
SKU: CFD14883
This product is not currently available for purchase.  
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For optimum performance we suggest:
15-30-15 Bud-N-Flower Booster Carefree

One of the easiest of all flowering ornamentals to grow and guaranteed to bloom this year! Marvelously fragrant, long blooming and drought tolerant! The large, globe-shaped flower clusters have a sweet, honey-like scent that makes the plant irresistible. The long bloom time will keep your garden buzzing with life from early summer until the season's end. Includes two actively growing plants in 2.5" pots.

No plant attracts more butterflies than a butterfly bush! Hummingbirds also love the large panicles of nectar-filled flowers. Excellent as cut flowers to bring indoors. True to its name, this butterfly bush produces 6 to 12 inch globe-shaped panicles with bright magenta flowers. With a compact habit that features stronger branching, you'll find its fragrant, honey-scented flowers at stem ends very attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. A perfect addition to any butterfly or cottage garden, when other plants are spent, butterfly bushes are just beginning their show! Your guests won't be able to resist admiring the beautiful plant and its wonderful fragrance. Plant it near a window or porch so you can sit and enjoy the sweet fragrance all summer. These perennial workhorses bloom from summer to fall, keeping your garden bustling with life for months on end. Established plants require little maintenance and thrive in the landscape for years. This product cannot ship to OR or WA.
Botanical Name - Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red'
Hardiness Zones - 5-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to fall
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 8 feet
Mature Width - 4 to 6 feet
Botanical Name - Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red'
Hardiness Zones - 5-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to fall
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 8 feet
Mature Width - 4 to 6 feet
Botanical Name - Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red'
Hardiness Zones - 5-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to fall
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 8 feet
Mature Width - 4 to 6 feet
Botanical Name - Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red'
Hardiness Zones - 5-9
Annual or Perennial - Perennial
Bloom season - Summer to fall
Exposure - Full to part sun
Drought Tolerant - Yes
Mature Height - 8 feet
Mature Width - 4 to 6 feet